I know this is old news, but I had Saturday Night Live in my TIVO, and being that it’s Sunday night, and there is shit on, I decided to watch it. The reason I bring this up at all is that I just wrote a rant about writing for art (and I hate to use the word love here, but you get the general idea) as opposed to writing for money. SNL just proved to me that there is a different aspect on which to write for … and that’s writing for some point; propaganda if you will. And even if you agree with SNL’s brand of opinion (which often times I do), it is what it is. Propaganda is writing Read the rest of this entry »
Rejection. Talk to any agent (or publisher), and they’ll tell you the easiest answer they can give is a no. It’s kind of a hard thing to swallow isn’t it? It was hard for me to hear, and when it was said to me, it was so completely matter of fact, that it was almost offensive in it’s cavalier. I used to write movie trailers (yeah really, someone Read the rest of this entry »
HA! Fooled, you … podcast four to arrive in your computers next week sometime. It looks as if I’m gonna end up doing one every other week, as opposed to every week like I had planned … blah!
Everyone tells me that I should write screenplays, and like I said before, it’s mostly because they think that I’m not a very good writer, and screenwriting is the gutter of all literature. I’m not sure that’s true or not, but whatever … they’re dicks. I did, however, write a short story that is pretty deceptive. I actually wrote this as a prelude to writing a screenplay. I think it’s more fun to write a short story, but I do think this will become a pretty good screenplay if I ever decide to do it. (by the way, when I work-shopped this for a class, people actually commented “I don’t know this michael flanagan or anything, so I’m not sure how accurate this is …” If you read this and have that comment, (duh!), let me make it clear, there is no michael flanagan, or brad davis … well maybe there are, but they are not these people.)
I’m that Michael Flanagan. I’m the one you’re heard about, bet you thought I was dead. You thought that my mother stole me from my father in the dead of night to give me a better life, but during my journey to America I died. The plane that was carrying my ten-year-old self had crashed over the North Channel, and there were no survivors, only I never got on a plane. I remember when they put the white makeup on me, made me lie down, Read the rest of this entry »
Believe it or not, this is my third … yes I said it, THIRD podcast … click below to listen, or hit itunes, it’s up to you!
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In my first post on this blog, I spoke of being honest with yourself or you can never write. And today I’m f-ing around online, and I notice that there is this article about dating, and one of the things on there was this section about how you can’t wait to try and date someone until all your ducks are in a row. And by that I mean, you can’t wait until you’ve lost all the weight you want to lose, you’re out of debt … blah, blah, BLAH! Well it isn’t what I meant; it’s what Read the rest of this entry »
When we did it I told Brad it was my first time, but mostly because most guys can’t go long enough for it to feel good, and thus far Brad hadn’t proved himself with much staying power. I just didn’t want to. I tried to remember what my face was supposed to like while it was in excruciating pain when I climbed on top of him and slowly sat down on it. I was grateful for the darkness since acting had never been my strongest quality, which is ironic since evidently Read the rest of this entry »
I promised this in my very first podcast, but I kept forgetting to put this online. This is one of the stories I submitted to get into this conference I keep talking about. I’ll post the other one later (I need something to hold over everyone’s head.) During the conference, and part of the 750 bucks you put up, a professional writer critiques you. I actually loved the woman who critiqued my story. She was very Read the rest of this entry »
Okay, I promised a section about contests … and this is the first of many (since I continue to enter contests, and I can’t post those stories until I lose! Cool how I figured out how to make these things a win/win for me, huh?). Below are a couple sources, and if anyone has any other ones, please feel free to post them. I have a couple things to say about contests. First off (and I think this is the first thing that everyone should know about writing in general) … KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! Do a little research. I’m not going to do a constant rant about how awful and insensitive the publishing industry is (at times), when there are writers (who read my blog) who are just as insensitive about the stuff they turn into contests. Don’t turn in a satire piece when the contest clearly Read the rest of this entry »
This is my second podcast. it’s a bit more somber, but it still rocks.
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