Okay, I promised a section about contests … and this is the first of many (since I continue to enter contests, and I can’t post those stories until I lose! Cool how I figured out how to make these things a win/win for me, huh?). Below are a couple sources, and if anyone has any other ones, please feel free to post them. I have a couple things to say about contests. First off (and I think this is the first thing that everyone should know about writing in general) … KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE! Do a little research. I’m not going to do a constant rant about how awful and insensitive the publishing industry is (at times), when there are writers (who read my blog) who are just as insensitive about the stuff they turn into contests. Don’t turn in a satire piece when the contest clearly Read the rest of this entry »
By Kael
It all started off on Monday afternoon at around 3:40 p.m. Luke Murray was working the late afternoon shift at the Starbucks (that new Starbucks located on the forty-fifth floor of the “Pay-Before-yo-yo-yo-Payday” building downtown), when Aaron James and Taylor Danes came in. The two had been downstairs making a payment on a two-year-old loan that Aaron took out to pay his baby-mama’s August 2005 rent. Aaron had made his final 100-dollar monthly payment on his 500-dollar loan and decided to celebrate with a shot of espresso. Luke was in a good mood that afternoon since the previous evening his boyfriend of five years finally moved out after having gained 50 lbs over the course of their relationship, and his B.F.F., Gloria Hammer, had applied glitter to his highlights.
Luke took the boys order, told them how fabulous they both Read the rest of this entry »
Contests … I’ve entered a couple, but to be honest I don’t think I have what they want. I write in a pretty specific way, I figure out what I’m supposed to put in the box, and then I throw the box away. I do think, however, that it’s important that you enter contests, and get your feet wet, and win, not win … whatever. It’s just important to have the confidence to put your work out there for people to read, and not for the same old stupid reasons we keep hearing Read the rest of this entry »