Dec 14

It’s been a while since I put out a short story on my short story blog, so here is one I’ve been working on for a while. I think it’s at a point where I can put it out in the world. Probably needs some work though. It’s not like anything I’ve written before (it’s got a lot of dialogue in it), but I dig it.


Alice Murphy usually passes Aloysius O’Leary smoking a fag on Read the rest of this entry »

Dec 12

Just a little background before you hit this link. You all know Renne’s she’s more than a guest host these days, she’s the kind of guest that doesn’t have to knock on the door, comes in and pours herself a glass of wine before you even realize she’s there. Her first podcast was a bit choppy, but it was good … and since then they’ve all be good. This one, however, is GREAT. She’s really getting more comfortable in front of the mic, and at one point she spills a glass of water and leaves the whole thing in … unedited, and it just moves forward. She talks about publishing her novel herself, and she comes to these conclusions at the end … well just listen. I dug it.

Dec 12

Okay, I admit it 2009 has been a shitty year for me. After my last bout with this moral coil, it was suggested (and by suggested it I mean my doctor made it mandatory for me to see a therapist Read the rest of this entry »