Dec 14

It’s been a while since I put out a short story on my short story blog, so here is one I’ve been working on for a while. I think it’s at a point where I can put it out in the world. Probably needs some work though. It’s not like anything I’ve written before (it’s got a lot of dialogue in it), but I dig it.


Alice Murphy usually passes Aloysius O’Leary smoking a fag on Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 12

this short story is based on an actual person … I love this person, so the story is close to my heart … (I can’t believe I wrote that, ugh!)


There is a point, eleven minutes after you leave the Connolly Station, when it becomes obvious that you’re not in Dublin anymore, but it is another nine Read the rest of this entry »

Apr 14

Here’s a little short story I just wrote. I dig it, but my writer’s workshop says I try too hard to entertain, and I didn’t give my main character any real depth. I actually disagree with that, but I have to honestly say this isn’t the best thing I’ve ever written, but it’s fun to read … enjoy.

Written on Matt Damon and Ben Affleck Facebook Wall: 02/06/06: 03:32:43 PST By: Eric

Guys: I caught you! Oh you thought were all clever, and for a long time even I was fooled, but there was always something strange about you two, and I’m not attracted to you in anyway, so don’t flatter yourselves. I’m not gay or anything, even if your Hollywood Read the rest of this entry »

Mar 3

There just hasn’t been enough short stories in this thing lately and I warn you right now, this isn’t my strongest story, but I love it.


I don’t remember ordering them, Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 23


He had a small fan on the shelf opposite his desk designed to blow the cigarette smoke towards the window (which was closed), and this vacuum ashtrays that theoretically sucked the smoke into a charcoal filter (which didn’t work well when the batteries were charged, and didn’t work at all when the batteries were dead; which they were). His house Read the rest of this entry »

Nov 21

Okay, I promised one of my “message” stories, so here it is … I quiver to the notion that this is downright insulting, but it proves a point. No matter how smart you think you are, it is kind of stupid to try and make a point … or maybe you’ll like it, a lot of people did.

Everyone Hates The Grays (Just not at Christmas) by Kael

Look, my life didn’t change the day I met Randy; it’s not quite that dramatic. My politics, and my religious views are the same today as they were yesterday. Honestly, I have to say if I were faced with the same situation again, I probably Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 29

I haven’t put up a short story in a while, and this one is actually one of my favorites. The person who I describe actually exists … and she’s as wonderful as the story describes her to be.

Twenty Minutes Later : by Kael

There is a point, eleven minutes after you leave the Connolly Station, when it becomes obvious that you’re not in Dublin anymore, but it is another nine minutes of a no man’s land of tenements, clothes lines and tiny backyards occupied by day smokers Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 13

here is the story I refer to in podcast six, if you want to read it go ahead, but you don’t need to to listen to the podcast … Kael

NEW SOUL by Kael

This is not my soul. People would think I was crazy if I told them about it… so it’s this white sheet of paper that I’ll bare myself onto. My soul is weak, it has been known to hide and sulk. My soul is wiry and ducks behind backyard fences to get away Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 10

Here is the short story I cite in my last blog … not one of my best, but I still dig it.


Everyday his alarm goes off at 5:36 am. He Read the rest of this entry »

Sep 25


It seemed like they were all doing it. The year I was sixteen my life was nothing but a big blur of acid washed jeans pegged up against people’s ankles tight above their hips, penny loafers with the after market penny firmly but not easily placed on the top of their feet, tight terry cloth shirts with pure white puka shell necklaces accenting their low v-neck, walking Read the rest of this entry »

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