Oct 31

Thanks for your patience with me about the irregular nature of these podcasts … but bare with me, if you’ve been reading the blogs, you know that I’ve been kind of down lately. So anyways, this week’s podcast is about finding a narrator, sushi in Los Angeles, losing faith in writing to save me, and my friends doing “E,” at a club, and how I kind of lost faith in them as well … it’s a little long this week, but bare with me I think it is worth it … Kael

Oct 30

I actually recorded podcast seven tonight, and I’m too tired to edit it … so it’s done and done, and will be online in the usual places some time tomorrow (probably later in the evening) … I’ll give you a tease though, podcast seven is going to be about some of the online courses I took (good and bad), and some sushi on sunset laced with some e, or x or whatever the kids are calling it these days … and living the fast life in Los Angeles. So it should be cool. thanks for your continuing support for them by the way … Kael

Oct 29

Today I was reading goggle news, and I noticed that some guy in West Hollywood had put an effigy of Sarah Palin on his front lawn hanging on a noose, and even though the media and most of the planet is outraged about it, he refuses to take it down. I ask you, guy in West Hollywood, how is this different than burning a cross on your lawn, or painting a swastika onto your Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 29

I haven’t put up a short story in a while, and this one is actually one of my favorites. The person who I describe actually exists … and she’s as wonderful as the story describes her to be.

Twenty Minutes Later : by Kael

There is a point, eleven minutes after you leave the Connolly Station, when it becomes obvious that you’re not in Dublin anymore, but it is another nine minutes of a no man’s land of tenements, clothes lines and tiny backyards occupied by day smokers Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 29

I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again … democracy does not work if you don’t vote. I’m still one of those people who think that the collective soul of the people will decide the best person to govern. I urge everyone to vote; early vote (I did Saturday, and it was easy) if you can. As you can tell I don’t tell anyone who to vote for, but I assure you that whoever becomes president will fade in your mind compared to the people who serve you locally. The ironic thing is that this presidential election will get people to the ballots, but most people will still be unaware of the people who truly have a direct affect on your lives … local judges and counsel members. Go to websites in your area and research the people who will affect your everyday lives. Local politics were directly responsible for the horrific fires at Lake Tahoe last year. They had policies of not letting people clear their properties of fuels, and did not allow anyone to clear most of the dead wood in the forest. The president had nothing to do with that decision. Local people raise your sales taxes, property taxes, decide on zoning permits, and building permits (in some cases), and most of them control your schools and public transit systems. Find out who is the best person for the job, and vote! Obama or McCain will become president, and no matter how much you think these guys are going to affect your lives, they pale in comparison to the people in your own backyard. And another thing, no matter who wins for president, drop the bullshit and let them govern … the hating across party lines is almost as stupid as the “taste great … less filling” argument. If you sit back and watch you guys, like I do, you’d realize how fucking stupid you all look teaching your kids to scream Obama! at the drop of a hat, or wearing your McCain buttons. Let me let you in on a little secret … neither of these guys would cross the street to piss on you if you were on fire, they both want power and influence, and they have no interest in your well being. Local elections are the ones to pay attention to … they are the people who haven’t become as big of dicks … yet. in closing, go vote … Kael

Oct 27

I keep coming back to this topic, and I’m not sure why, but it’s probably because if you have nothing to write about then writing becomes a moot point. I have never believed that everything that spills out onto a page is sitting somewhere in my brain waiting to get out, in fact I believe the opposite is true. I actually think the stories I write about come from somewhere outside of me. They come from experience and events in my life that I somehow transfer to the page. I think what makes me a writer is Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 22

I’ve written a lot about how I don’t write about myself in stories. I had several reasons (excuses) for that, but the reason (excuse) I stated originally is that I had written about the origins, future, present of my navel to death, and I no longer wanted to deal with it. But then I started Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 19

It’s a couple some odd weeks until Election Day, and I have to admit (which I’ve been called on just recently by a good friend of mine) I don’t exactly get out there and rock the vote as I should. In fact, the last person I voted for president was Ross Perot (he who entertains me won at that time of my life), although I have voted in a bunch of midterm elections, and when there was a ballot question I just need to voice my opinion on. I’m the typical undecided voter, and I Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 15

I’m from Los Angeles. I wasn’t born there, but when I was three it became my home and my identity; what was associated with who I was. And if the world saw me at all, that is what they saw. I left ten years ago but I go there occasionally to visit my friends, and more often than not, I get on the plane back to Reno weary from a long weekend drinking and eating amazing sushi with Wayne on Friday, managing that hangover at Read the rest of this entry »

Oct 13

Podcast Six is up … it’s about finding a story … well as usual it’s a huge circle that talks about finding a story … psychics, and that episode where Joey almost didn’t get an acting job cause he didn’t have foreskin … by the way, this is formatted in MP3 version … if you want to listen to this on Itunes, click the link to the right … and please leave a comment so that I can feel good about myself again …

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